Quadra Wood Siding

Quadra Wood Products offers four basic patterns for high-quality siding:

The exterior finish of a building is the face it presents to the world; it defines the mood and character of the structure and reflects the image desired by its designers, builders or owners.


Western Red Cedar siding is available in a range of designs and grades, offering the variety and versatility to complement any architectural style. It adapts equally well to bold and expressive modernism or the well defined criteria of period styling. Above all, Western Red Cedar has an enduring beauty that projects an aura of prestige. It is a wood with great dimensional stability and natural decay resistance. Its freedom from pitch and resin makes it an excellent base for a wide range of finishes.

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Channel Siding

Lap sidings are supplied in a variety of patterns in clear or knotty grades and with a smooth or saw textured face Channel siding is a popular type of lap siding and is used whenever a rustic appearance is desired. A versatile siding, it can be installed vertically, horizontally or diagonally. In channel siding the profile of each board partially overlaps that of the board next to it creating a channel that gives shadow line effects, provides excellent weather protection and allows for dimensional movement. Channel siding is normally supplied in unseasoned knotty grades. The face side is saw textured. Commonly available sizes are 1 x 6 in.,1 x 8 in. and 1 x 10 in. Clear grades are manufactured to order.


Clear Heart

The highest grade. Includes only pieces with heartwood on the exposed face. Many pieces completely clear, others have minor imperfections that do not detract from their fine appearance.

A Clear

Permits somewhat more imperfections than Clear Heart but the grade is still restricted to pieces with excellent appearance. Typically sold with a percentage of B grade.

Select Knotty

Available kiln-dried or unseasoned. Knots are sound and tight. Typically sold with a percentage of Quality Knotty grade.

Proprietary Grads

Designed to meet appearance requirements for cedar sidings and trim. Ask your distributor for details.

Bevel Siding

Western Red Cedar bevel siding is the most widely used cedar siding type. It is produced by resawing lumber at an angle to produce two pieces thicker on one edge than the other. The manufacturing process results in pieces with one face saw textured. The other face is smooth or saw textured depending on the grade and customer preference. Bevel siding is installed horizontally and gives an attractive shadow line which varies with the thickness of siding selected.

Bevel siding is available in clear and knotty grades. Clear siding gives premium quality appearance and is ideal for prestigious, upmarket applications. Knotty siding has warmth and casual charm and is ideal for homes, cottages, club-houses and applications where a rustic appearance is desired.

WRCLA members also produce finger-joined bevel siding in clear and knotty grades. The precision-fitted joints are virtually invisible and stronger than the surrounding fiber. Finger-joined bevel siding is available in lengths up to 16 feet and provides the handsome appearance and all-weather performance of premium cedar siding. Builders appreciate both the convenient long length tally and the speed and ease of installation with fewer field joints.


Clear Vertical Grain Heart

This is the highest bevel siding grade. All Clear V.G. Heart grade is sawn vertical grain (edge grain) and is kiln-dried. Pieces have a smooth face of decay-resistant heartwood and are free from growth characteristics that affect appearance or performance. Pieces have excellent dimensional stability and hold finishes exceptionally well.

A Clear

This is a fine appearance grade that allows only slightly more growth characteristics than Clear Heart. Pieces are of mixed grain. These mixed grain (vertical and flat) pieces are graded from the surfaced face. Typically sold with a percentage of B grade.


Rustic grade bevel siding is recommended
for use as sidewall covering where the distinctive charm of a rustic saw textured appearance is desired. This grade allows limited characteristics that do not detract from serviceability.

Architect Knotty

This product is intended to be fully usable with the resawn face exposed to after trimming to fit the stud wall spacing. Contains no open characteristics or through defects. The product allows the use of adhesives on the reverse face to secure knots. Architect Knotty is particularly well suited for factory priming or finishing. Supplied kiln-dried.

Tongue & Groove

Western Red Cedar tongue and groove is widely used for its good looks and versatility. It can be installed horizontally, vertically or diagonally, each method giving a distinctly different look.Tongue and groove siding is available with rough or smooth faces. Both seasoned (kiln-dried) and unseasoned (green) sidings are available.

The joints between adjoining pieces are usually v-shaped or flush jointed, reveal and radius joints are also available.The different joints and surface textures in tongue and groove siding combine to provide a range of shadow line effects that enhance the product’s versatility.

Tongue and groove siding is manufactured in clear grades suitable for a more formal, elegant appearance, particularly when pieces are smooth faced. Knotty grades are in demand for their smart, casual look.

Board & Batten Siding

Board-and-batten is a vertical design created using wide clear or knotty cedar boards spaced apart with narrower boards (battens) covering the joins. There are no set board or batten widths – various combinations are used to create different looks suitable for large or small scale applications. A frequent combination is 1 x 3 in. battens and 1 x 10 in. boards. This can also be reversed with boards installed over battens to create a deep channel effect. Rough sawn, unseasoned boards or boards surfaced on one side and two edges (S1S2E) are commonly used for board-and-batten siding. Sizes are from 1 x 2 in. to 1 x 12 in.

Size: Specify the nominal size of the product.
1 x 3 in. Battens
1 x 10 in. Boards

Grade: The grade of the product
governs its overall quality. Refer to WRCLA specification literature or grading agency rule books for available grades.
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